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* Basque Language pack

market download Basque Language pack


Basque dictionary with more than 100,000 words that includes words from unified Standard Basque and from the Biscayan dialect. [1]
Includes the ñ key.
Includes the zero-width space key (a.k.a. "datraolat"). Long press the d key to use it. Useful for adding suffixes to hashtags in Twitter, Instagram...
This is an expansion language pack for AnySoftKeyboard.
Install AnySoftKeyboard first, and then select the Basque keyboard from AnySoftKeyboard's Settings -> Languages -> Keyboards menu.

[1] Note: It's based on the dictionary created by Igor Leturia for FirefoxOS. We filtered the dictionary using the spell checkers Xuxen (Standard Basque) and Xuxen B (Biscayan dialect).

Author: Menny Even Danan
Version: 1.0
Market link: com.anysoftkeyboard.languagepack.basque
Web site:

Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: <50
Market rating: 5.0 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Applications/Tools

Added: 2017-02-21
Updated: 0000-00-00
Hits: 77

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