Android™ Open Source apps and programming ressources
- Androzic - Navigation client that uses old OziExplorer ozf2 maps and modern OSM vector maps. Great for hiking, geocaching, off-roading, sailing, boating and other outdoor activities. If you plan to use ozf2 maps you are expected to be aware of OziExplorer or at least of where to get such maps. Maps can also be created by yourself, but with some effort, see FAQ for details. If you plan to u...
Added: 2015-10-23, Hits: 978
- Bewegungsmelder Hamburg - Was geht heute, was geht morgen, oder nächstes Wochenende? Diese Antwort bietet dir die Bewegungsmelder-App. Sie liefert jeden Tag Informationen zu alternativen Events in Hamburg.
Ist ein interessantes Event dabei, das du nicht verpassen möchtest, kein Problem lege es einfach zu deinen Favoriten.
Alle Informationen stammen von der Homepage!
Added: 2017-02-21, Hits: 421
- Bussorakel - AtB sitt bussorakel p? Android, svarer p? sp?rsm?l om bussrutene i Trondheim.
Recent changes:
* Oppdatert utseende.
* Rydding i kode.
Content rating: Low Maturity
Added: 2010-05-10, Hits: 1485
- Cumulus for Froyo - Full navigation suite for glider flying and other aircraft activities.
This is a port from Qt, with libraries and program provided as native code for ARM processors.
Important: You need additional components on the SD card. See homepage for a package and further advice.
Only useful with a screen of at least 800 x 480 in landscape mode.
The Cumulus C++ source has many contributors. Current maint...
Added: 2011-02-02, Hits: 1541
- Cumulus for Gingerbread - Full navigation suite for glider flying and other aircraft activities.
This is a port from Qt, with libraries and program provided as native code for ARM processors.
Important: You need additional components on the SD card. See homepage for a package and further advice.
Only useful with a screen of at least 800 x 480 in landscape mode.
The Cumulus C++ source has many contributors. Current maint...
Added: 2012-11-06, Hits: 1452
- Daytripper v2 - Daytripper is a personal assistant and chatbot that can learn new knowledge in addition to providing search services such as map, video, and Web searches. The app utilizes artificial intelligence and natural language processing based on Alicebot chatbot. In addition to general chatbot and utility features, you can teach the app new knowledge by telling it facts.
This app is open source. Code is a...
Added: 2017-05-23, Hits: 538
- Dining Out - ? Create your own list of restaurants
? Write reviews to save for yourself and share with friends
? Automatically get new reviews and recommendations from friends
? Powered by Google Maps
? Respects your privacy ? no personal information is collected
? No ads or other annoyances
? Free and open source (GPLv3)
<br />
Dining Out is made for restaurant-goers who want to keep track of their fav...
Added: 2013-05-20, Hits: 1584
- Dongsa - Shows Korean verb conjugations for learners of Korean.
Image "King Sejong the Great, Seoul" ? Aleksandr Zykov licensed under
Recent changes:
Fixed a bug when conjugating ? irregulars
Now works on Android 1.5+
New native Android interface
Korean keyboard removed - if you need a Korean keyboard please install a Korean input from the Android...
Added: 2012-03-23, Hits: 1484
- Flygtider - Flygtider ?r en applikation som l?ter dig se information om och bevaka flighter som landar/startar fr?n flygplatser som ?gs av Luftfartsverket.
Changelog v. 0.7:
S?ka p? orter med 2x ??? i namnet fungerar. Mindre kraschben?gen.
Content rating: Everyone
Added: 2012-04-30, Hits: 1532
- Geo Bookmark (Dashclock) - Geo Bookmark is a homescreen widget and a dashclock extension that allows you to quickly record your current whereabouts for later review with a single button press. Some use cases include:
Use case: You are driving down the road, something catches your attention, but you cannot pull over to
investigate and you cannot savely text yourself a reminder.
Use case:</b...
Added: 2014-06-26, Hits: 1646
- GoPenS - Open source Android (1.6 or greater) GPS for OpenStreetMaps. The project has been initiated by the master 2 STIC, at the University of Savoie (France).
Added: 2010-10-29, Hits: 1576
- gvSIG Mini Maps - gvSIG Mini Maps allows you to browse and navigate with GPS a full set of free on/offline maps from your phone or tablet.
gvSIG Mini Maps features:
- Download maps from the phone for off-line browsing.
- Multitouch support.
- Official Ordnance Survey (UK) maps.
- Faster and smoother viewing.
- Android search.
- Many On/Offline Maps:
? OpenStreetMap with different renderers
? Yahoo, Bing, G...
Added: 2012-05-03, Hits: 1504
- Just a Damn Compass - It's just a small simple compass, with no unneeded features.
* How many themes does it have?
* Does it have any sound effects?
See? It really is just a compass.
It's Open Source at
Please report problems at
Recent changes:
First Version.
Content rating: Everyone
Added: 2012-07-11, Hits: 1595
- Kanji Flashcards - Simple Kanji flashcards. Basic instructions are at I posted the source to, including the data! Please let me know about errors and I'll try to fix them.
Recent changes:
New version changes the underlying storage mechanism, otherwise nothing significant should change.
Content rating: Everyone
Added: 2010-05-13, Hits: 1553
- Location Log - Location Log stores locations and allows you to view them on Google Maps or navigate to them using Radar. Locations can be manually entered or taken from the best currently available source.
Support for LOC/GPX/KML basic importing is planed.
Updates from Michel Albert.
Code at
Added: 2010-09-27, Hits: 1592