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The basic idea...

"The basic idea behind open source is very simple. When programmers on the Internet can read, redistribute, and modify the source for a piece of software, it evolves. People improve it, people adapt it, people fix bugs. And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used to the slow pace of conventional software development, seems astonishing...
...The Open Source pages exist to make this case to the commercial world."    - Introduction to Open Source -

* Daytripper v2

market download Daytripper is a personal assistant and chatbot that can learn new knowledge in addition to providing search services such as map, video, and Web searches. The app utilizes artificial intelligence and natural language processing based on Alicebot chatbot. In addition to general chatbot and utility features, you can teach the app new knowledge by telling it facts.

This app is open source. Code is available on Github (

Author: Vocifery Technology
Version: 1.4
Market link: com.vocifery.daytripper
Web site:

Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: 100-500
Market rating: 5.0 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Applications/Travel

Added: 2017-05-23
Updated: 0000-00-00
Hits: 494

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