* Simple Brick Games 14 in 1
Do you remember the classic "Bricks Games" from the 90's? No? Anyway, you can get retro feelings with this game!
Now with 14 unique mini games inspired by the original brick games :D
You can choose between 3 textures, 5 background colours and 5 button colours.
Navigation in main menu, press:
-left or right to change game
-up to increase level
-down to increase speed
-action button to start game
You can find the source code here: https://github.com/TobiasBielefeld/Simple-Brick-Games
Enjoy :)
Author: Tobias Bielefeld
Version: 2.1
Market link: de.tobiasbielefeld.brickgames
Web site: http://nowebsitefound
Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: 100-500
Market rating: 4.8 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Games/Arcade
Added: 2017-06-19
Updated: 0000-00-00
Hits: 752