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The basic idea...

"The basic idea behind open source is very simple. When programmers on the Internet can read, redistribute, and modify the source for a piece of software, it evolves. People improve it, people adapt it, people fix bugs. And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used to the slow pace of conventional software development, seems astonishing...
...The Open Source pages exist to make this case to the commercial world."    - Introduction to Open Source -

* Barcode Scanner

market download Scan barcodes on products, or Data Matrix and QR Codes containing URLs, contact info, etc.

Almost every question and negative review comment is addressed by one of the following. Please save everyone time by reading these first:

Nobody is stealing your information. The app allows you to share contacts, apps, and bookmarks in a QR Code. This is why contacts permissions are needed. See "Visit Developer Website" below ( ).

If your device is not scanning, first try workarounds for device bugs in Settings. Enable all of them, and then try disabling one at a time to determine which is necessary. If this does not help, try clearing the device cache and settings from Android settings.

If these still do not work and you believe there is an app problem, send a message with the following information. Messages without this information can't be acted on, so are ignored.

- Device type
- A basic description of what does not work: crashes? does not scan? looks strange?
- Acknowledgement that you tried the steps above first
- A device log capture from when it starts

Author: ZXing Team
Version: 4.7.6
Market link:
Web site:

Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: >250,000
Market rating: 4.1 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Applications/Shopping

Added: 2010-05-11
Updated: 2017-02-21
Hits: 2209

Edit link