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* 24h Analog Clock Widget

market download This is a homescreen widget that displays a 12-at-the-top 24 hour analog clock. Noon is at the top, so that the hour hand mimics the path of the sun.

In addition to the time, it will display when the sun rises/sets for your current location on the dial.

This widget offers 2x2 and 3x3 sizes, and is fully resizable on 4.x devices.

The sunrise/sunset feature uses the location permission. This will not impact battery life as it never actively requests location - it only uses cached locations acquired by other apps.

NOTE: if the widget's hands suddenly disappear, please try removing the widget from the homescreen and then re-add it. If that doesn't work, please contact the developer. This is a known issue and is being looked at presently.

Note note: Support for the Galaxy Note is coming soon! If you are a developer and want to help with the effort of bring Note support, please contact the developer below.

Source code is available on the site.
license: GPL v3

Recent changes:
? should fix disappearing hands; if this problem persists, please contact the developer.

? fixes upgrade path for 2.x devices

? adds resizable widgets on 4.x devices and 2x2, 3x3 for 2.x devices
? widget can now be used as a lockscreen widget on 4.x devices
? detects some timezone inconsistencies when travelling
? performance improvements
? adds French translation (thanks, Mathieu Belleville!)

Content rating: Low Maturity

Version: 0.4.2
Market link:
Web site:

Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: 5,000-10,000
Market rating: 4.5 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Applications/Personalization

Added: 2012-05-03
Updated: 2013-04-13
Hits: 1608

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