* 24h Analog Clock Widget
In addition to the time, it will display when the sun rises/sets for your current location on the dial.
This widget offers 2x2 and 3x3 sizes, and is fully resizable on 4.x devices.
The sunrise/sunset feature uses the location permission. This will not impact battery life as it never actively requests location - it only uses cached locations acquired by other apps.
NOTE: if the widget's hands suddenly disappear, please try removing the widget from the homescreen and then re-add it. If that doesn't work, please contact the developer. This is a known issue and is being looked at presently.
Note note: Support for the Galaxy Note is coming soon! If you are a developer and want to help with the effort of bring Note support, please contact the developer below.
Source code is available on the site.
license: GPL v3
Recent changes:
? should fix disappearing hands; if this problem persists, please contact the developer.
? fixes upgrade path for 2.x devices
? adds resizable widgets on 4.x devices and 2x2, 3x3 for 2.x devices
? widget can now be used as a lockscreen widget on 4.x devices
? detects some timezone inconsistencies when travelling
? performance improvements
? adds French translation (thanks, Mathieu Belleville!)
Content rating: Low Maturity
Author: staticfree.info
Version: 0.4.2
Market link: info.staticfree.android.twentyfourhour
Web site: http://staticfree.info/projects/24h_clock/
Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: 5,000-10,000
Market rating: 4.5 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Applications/Personalization
Added: 2012-05-03
Updated: 2013-04-13
Hits: 1608