* CPAN Sidekick

100% of the earnings from this application will be donated to The Perl Foundation. As of March 2013, a total of 2.35 has been collected.
CPAN Sidekick is also 100% Free Software. If you would like to participate in the project or wish to avoid the small fee to install this application through Google Play, you may go to the github site, download the source, and build it yourself.
? http://github.com/zostay/CPAN-Sidekick
If you have a bug to report or a feature to request, please do so there as well.
Special thanks goes to all the developers who have worked so hard to build the MetaCPAN API. This application would not be possible without their effort.
Current features of this application include:
??Search for Perl modules
??View the documentation of any module on CPAN
? View the author, abstract, distribution, and version of any module
? See the star rating and number of favorites for any module
? See basic information about releases and browse modules within a release (click on the module header above the documentation)
? Full support for both tablets and phones
Planned features:
? Personalization (show/update your own favorites list)
? Offline mode
Recent changes:
? The MetaCPAN API changed, which caused all searches to return empty. Changed the app to match the new API to fix broken search results.
? Tap on the module title in the POD view screen to get to the new release viewer.
? Increased width of the left sidebar on tablets in landscape.
0.4.6 and previous:
? Improved stability of the app.
? Improved a few small visual bugs on ICS and later devices.
? Able to show more documents on CPAN than before.
Content rating: Everyone
Author: Qubling Software
Version: 0.5.1
Market link: com.qubling.sidekick
Web site: http://qubling.com

Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: 50-100
Market rating: 3.6 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Applications/Books & Reference
Added: 2012-12-07
Updated: 2013-04-09
Hits: 1583