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The basic idea...

"The basic idea behind open source is very simple. When programmers on the Internet can read, redistribute, and modify the source for a piece of software, it evolves. People improve it, people adapt it, people fix bugs. And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used to the slow pace of conventional software development, seems astonishing...
...The Open Source pages exist to make this case to the commercial world."    - Introduction to Open Source -

* Book Catalogue

market download An open source book cataloguing application (source on github). Books can be added manually, by ISBN, or barcode.

Remember to backup and export your existing catalogue before you upgrade!

Book Catalogue is NOT a book reader.

Features include:
* Sorting by author (last name), title, series, etc.
* user-defined sort and list styles
* Search Amazon, Google Books, goodreads and LibraryThing for data
* Searching
* Thumbnails (download, gallery or camera)
* Loaning books
* goodreads synchronization
* Export and Backup
* Bookshelves (books can be on multiple shelves)

Want a wishlist? Just create a bookshelf called 'Wishlist' and start adding books.

Please email us (below) if you have any issues after an upgrade.

Wiki can be found at:

Full history at:

Recent History:

New in 5.1.0

* Italian translation (Eugenio Davolio)
* Spanish translation (Jos? M. Galdo)
* Turkish translations (Emir Sar?)
* Ability to archive only new/updated books and to exclude covers (or books)
* Better thumbnail size in lists for high density screens
* Added options to see books by author/series at Amazon
* Other minor bug fixes

New in 5.0.8

* More German translation updates (Robert Wetzlmayr)

New in 5.0.7

* Fixes to bugs introduced in 5.0.5!

New in 5.0.1-5.0.5

* Style 'Added date' is now in descending order for Android 2.2+
* New field: Language
* Minor Performance improvements for Android 2.2+
* Translation updates (Imkal)
* Bug fixes

New in 5.0.0

* A non-editable view of book details, with 'fling' support! (Nick Silin)
* Archiving of entire catalogue, including books, covers, preferences and styles
* Updated and improved interface, including Action Bar suppor (should work better on devices without menu buttons)
* Support for pic2shop scanner
* More French translation updates (Imkal & Djiko)
* More German translation updates (Robert Wetzlmayr)
* More Russian translation updates (Nick Silin)
* Bug fixes

Recent changes:
New in 5.1.x

* Italian translation (Eugenio Davolio)
* Spanish translation (Jos? M. Galdo)
* Turkish translations (Emir Sar?)
* Ability to archive only new/updated books and to exclude covers (or books)
* Better thumbnail size in lists for high density screens
* Added options to see books by author/series at Amazon
* New list styles and groups
* Bug fixes

Content rating: Everyone

Author: Evan Leybourn
Version: 5.1.2
Market link: com.eleybourn.bookcatalogue
Web site:

Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: 50,000-250,000
Market rating: 4.4 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Applications/Productivity

Added: 2010-06-02
Updated: 2015-01-10
Hits: 1426

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