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"The basic idea behind open source is very simple. When programmers on the Internet can read, redistribute, and modify the source for a piece of software, it evolves. People improve it, people adapt it, people fix bugs. And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used to the slow pace of conventional software development, seems astonishing...
...The Open Source pages exist to make this case to the commercial world."    - Introduction to Open Source -

* Financisto - Expense Manager

market download Open-source personal finance manager.

- Multiple accounts, multiple currencies
- Home currency and exchange rates
- Transfers with downloadable rates
- Scheduled & recurring transactions
- Split transactions
- Hierarchical categories with custom attributes
- Recurring budgets
- Projects and payees
- Filtering and reporting
- Cloud backup (Dropbox, Google Docs)
- Automatic daily backups
- QIF/CSV import/export


Please DO BACKUP before upgrade!

Please DO NOT move Financisto to SD card if you're using the widget and/or scheduled transactions.


GET_ACCOUNTS/USE_CREDENTIALS - For backup on Google Drive

INTERNET - for downloading currency rates in multi-currency transfer; to do online backup to Dropbox and Google Docs;

CAMERA - to attach pictures to transactions.


Q: Menu button is not there on my phone, what to do?
A: There should be a way for your phone to work with pre-ICS apps. For example, on the HTC One V, you must *PRESS AND HOLD* the app switch button (the right most button with the two overlapping square) and then it acts as a menu button.

Q: Why currency XYZ is missing?
A: You can add any currency manually. Go to Menu -> Entities -> Currencies -> [+]

Q: How to delete account/transaction/balance etc?
A: Long tap on an item in the list to bring up popup menu

Q: Shortcuts do not work on Home screen
A: Try to restart your phone, it helps with most of the launchers out there

Author: Denis Solonenko
Version: 1.7.2
Market link: ru.orangesoftware.financisto
Web site:

Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: >250,000
Market rating: 4.6 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Applications/Finance

Added: 2013-08-13
Updated: 2017-07-03
Hits: 2016

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