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* OI Shopping list

market download OI Shopping List is a powerful application which makes it easy to create and manage checklists. OI Shopping List makes it easy to add items to a list, check the item off, and remove it from the list. The application can track separate prices for each store that you use, and features a high level of customization. Font size, sort order, list columns, and list cleanup behavior are all settings controlled by the user. All of these features are brought together in a crisp layout that is customizable through a variety of themes.

The source code of this free and open source application is available at:

This application is ad free and does not require the internet permission.

For the complete list of changes and a list of frequently asked questions, please visit:

You can help to improve the translation into your language at Launchpad:

* Add, edit and delete lists.
* Create, delete, and check items quickly and easily.
* Variety of themes.
* Customizable font size and sort order.
* Keep track of separate prices for each store.
* Customizable list columns.

International versions:
IO ????? ??????, Lista de cump?r?turi OI, OI Al??veri? listesi, OI Boodschappenlijst, OI Einkaufsliste, OI Lista Zakupów, OI Lista de Compras, OI Shopping List, OI Shopping list, OI lista della spesa, OI ?????? ???????, OI ?????? ?? ??????????, OI ?????? ?????, OI ????????? ??????, OI ????, OI ????, OI ?? ??, Ol Seznam nákup?, Popis za kupovinu, ????? ?????? OI Shopping list, ???? ???? OI

Author: OpenIntents
Version: 2.1.3
Market link:
Web site:

Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: >250,000
Market rating: 4.3 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Applications/Shopping

Added: 2010-06-12
Updated: 2017-05-05
Hits: 2038

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