Android™ Open Source apps and programming ressources
- 2buntu - 2buntu is a collaborative blog started by members of the Ubuntu community that wanted to share news, tips, and tutorials. The website has grown and now contains over 700 articles written by close to a dozen different authors.
If you are looking for an intuitive, bandwidth-friendly way to browse the website, then this is the app for you.
Begin by browsing the list of recent articles and you will ...
Added: 2016-03-14, Hits: 883
- Android Rivers RSS - Android River is a fast river of news style RSS reader, an awesome Podcast player and an OPML outliner. It also has special feeds creator to services such as Google News and Craigslist.
River of news is the best way to follow various news sources because it does not force you to keep up with reading news. It has no unread count. If you miss a news item, it is fine. Life goes on. If it is importan...
Added: 2013-05-14, Hits: 1837
- Congress - Keep on top of Congress.
* Find your representatives, see how they vote
* See what bills are coming up for a vote next
* Search for bills and votes you should know about
* Stay on top of floor activity, committee hearings
* Be notified of just about everything
Answers to common questions:
* Members of Congress don't have public email addresses.
* The app DOES NOT do anything on boot, unless yo...
Added: 2010-06-17, Hits: 1670
- Democracy Droid! - Democracy Now! is a national, daily, independent, award-winning news program hosted by journalists Amy Goodman and Juan Gonzalez. Pioneering the largest public media collaboration in the U.S.
This application streams or downloads the independent media broadcast Democracy Now! The War and Peace Report. It supports streaming and downloading the audio and video broadcast - this includes watching and...
Added: 2017-02-21, Hits: 811
- Der Bund ePaper - Laden Sie die ePaper Ausgabe der Berner Zeitung "Der Bund" herunter und lesen Sie diese auf ihrem Tablet oder Telefon ohne mit dem Internet verbunden zu sein!
Ideal für Pendler!
Jeden Morgen bevor sie das Haus verlassen, lädt die App die Zeitung herunter. Somit können Sie die Zeitung bequem im Zug lesen ohne dass eine Internetverbindung nötig ist.
Ideal im Ausland!
Laden sie ...
Added: 2014-12-13, Hits: 1277
- Diode for Reddit - Reddit browser based on the last open source version of 'Reddit is Fun' by Andrew Shu. Diode provides quick and easy access to Reddit on your Android device complete with login, commenting and submissions.
Discuss Diode with other users at the official subreddit:
Come join in on the fun in continuing to improve Diode at
Diode is fre...
Added: 2012-12-05, Hits: 1722
- Flym News Reader - Flym News Reader is a simple, modern, totally free (no ads) and opensource project which keeps you inform by fetching your websites/blogs and displaying them in a mobile-optimized way. It is based on the "Sparse RSS" reader.
It DOES NOT synchronize with any online feed reader, if you need synchronization this app is not for you.
- easily add new feeds thanks to the Google Ne...
Added: 2013-05-24, Hits: 1825
- HN - Hacker News Reader - Finally, a reliable Hacker News reader with a focus on design & usability! It's also open-source.
Upcoming feature:
• Post comments
Current Features:
• View Hacker News stories and comments, beautifully laid out
• Also view articles in ViewText, Google, or your system browser (you can set each as default)
• Upvote stories (long-press on story) and comments (long-press on comment).
Added: 2013-06-09, Hits: 1688
- HNDroid - Hacker News android client.
News titles, submitters, and current scores (with pagination)
Other submitter's submissions
View original link, or mobile adapted version in browser
Threaded view
Comment on submissions
Reply to comments
Upvote comments
Upvote submissions
Karma widget
Open Source
Content rating: Everyone
Added: 2011-10-04, Hits: 1647
- Iven News Reader - Iven news Reader is a light and modern Android feed reader that will allow You to read feeds in RSS format (the default blog is XDA).
The app supports 2.3+ devices (minSdkVersion=9) and, thanks to support libs, provides Material theme/elements (Toolbar, material preferences) across all Android versions supported.
Some noticeable features are the ligh...
Added: 2015-02-01, Hits: 1673
- Materialistic - Hacker News - Ad free, open source Hacker News client, designed for both phones & tablets, with optimized speed & network usage.
- Browse top stories, best, newest, show HN, ask HN, jobs & user profiles
- Submit story, comment & vote, multiple HN accounts supported
- Catch up with best stories from past day, week, month or year
- Search, share stories, save for offl...
Added: 2017-02-21, Hits: 617
- Mirrored - Application for reading Spiegel Online. It is a front end for reading the articles in an easy and comfortable way without starting a browser. View headlines, browse categories or store articles for offline reading.
Free of charge, fully featured and completely open source.
No official application from "Spiegel Online".
Thanks to Frank Scheffold and Matthias Piepkorn for their modifica...
Added: 2013-06-20, Hits: 1603
- NewsBlur - NewsBlur is a personal news reader bringing people together to talk about the world. Share stories, read your feed subscriptions, and talk to like minded people with this free service. A new sound of an old instrument.
Google Reader has left us and we are working hard to be your replacement. We have many fixes and enhancements planned for all our NewsBlur offerings so stay tuned.
• ...
Added: 2014-06-29, Hits: 1704
- NextINpact (Unofficial) - UNOFFICIAL application developed by a reader (enthusiast) of Next INpact.
This application allows you to read Next INpact's news (and comments) when you are connected to Internet, and also once "off-line" (subway, etc.) !
My purpose is to propose an application simpler, faster and more accessible than the official application.
Don't hesitate to indicate me your expectations !
Source c...
Added: 2017-05-23, Hits: 671
- NPR News - - Read, listen, or create a playlist of your favorite NPR stories and share with friends.
- Hear live streams from hundreds of NPR stations: search by location (GPS) or zip code / call letters
- Listen to programs like Morning Edition, All Things Considered, Talk of the Nation, Fresh Air, and Wait, Wait…Don’t Tell Me More
Added: 2013-10-06, Hits: 1675