* Lexica
This is a fork of the unmaintained <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.healeys.lexic">Lexic</a> which:
* Adds minor improvements to the UI
* Has better support for high resolution screens
* Removes the unsupported multiplayer options
* The UI is translated into Chinese, German, Japanese, Persian, Catalan, and Spanish
Author: Peter Serwylo
Version: 0.9.6
Market link: com.serwylo.lexica
Web site: http://lexica.github.io/lexica/
Source code:
Code license:
Market downloads: 100-500
Market rating: 4.2 / 5.0
Category: Top:/Games/Word
Added: 2017-03-24
Updated: 2017-04-19
Hits: 289