Androidâ„¢ Open Source apps and programming ressources
- Anagram Solver - Find any anagram for any given word INSTANTLY!
A word or phrase formed by reordering the letters of another word or phrase, such as garden to danger..
One word anagrams (where a single word is anagrammed into another single word) are sometimes referred to by wordplay specialists as transpositions. For example, "orchestra" is a transposition of "carthorse".
You can type ...
Added: 2015-05-04, Hits: 989
- Lexica - A word game where you have 3 minutes to find as many words as possible on a grid of random letters.
This is a fork of the unmaintained <a href="">Lexic</a> which:
* Adds minor improvements to the UI
* Has better support for high resolution screens
* Removes the unsupported multiplayer options
* The UI is tra...
Added: 2017-03-24, Hits: 296