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"The basic idea behind open source is very simple. When programmers on the Internet can read, redistribute, and modify the source for a piece of software, it evolves. People improve it, people adapt it, people fix bugs. And this can happen at a speed that, if one is used to the slow pace of conventional software development, seems astonishing...
...The Open Source pages exist to make this case to the commercial world."    - Introduction to Open Source -

Category: Top:/Applications/Books & Reference

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  • Aard Dictionary - Simple dictionary and offline Wikipedia reader. Please report issues by email, our issue tracker at or forum at Note that there are no dictionary downloads from within application. Download dictionaries at Recent changes: v. 1.6.11 - Fix following internal links which broke with Android 4.4.3 ... Added: 2013-01-04, Hits: 1666
  • And Bible - And Bible is an open source, offline, totally free Bible application with no advertisements to enable as many people in all countries to read, listen to, and study Scripture as easily as possible and with the greatest personal blessing. * Bibles, Commentaries, Theological Dictionaries, Maps, and Christian books in over 700 languages * Off-line for everything after initial download including sea... Added: 2011-07-21, Hits: 1918
  • AndFML - A client for People share their secret or unfortunate things on this website. **NEWS** As I am busy with other projects, I decide to make AndFML open source, under GPLv3. I hope someone could carry it on. Added: 2010-05-10, Hits: 1559
  • arXiv mobile - An arXiv app for Android. The app is open-source - contributions are welcome. Unfortunately, I have limited time for supporting the app. It needs a bit of visual refresh and some fixes. arXiv mobile is science on your phone! Browse daily science articles (Physics, Astronomy, Math...) at and search the entire arXiv collection. This is a must have app for every scientist and physicist. Yo... Added: 2012-03-02, Hits: 1514
  • BoardGameGeek - This app searches the board game data from BoardGameGeek (aka, BGG, Board Game Geek, or just the 'Geek) at It's not a game itself - it's a reference tool that provides information about board games. This is not an official app; it is supported by adoring fans. <br/> Features include: &bull; View, sort, and filte... Added: 2012-03-05, Hits: 1820
  • Camp 2015 Schedule - This app allows you to view the conference schedule of the Chaos Communication Camp. Features: * browse the schedule * read the abstract of lectures * set reminders * browse schedule changes * show your favorite lectures in a single list * give feedback for lectures (when the feedback system is up) If you encounter crashes, please also give a brief description of how it happened if you report it... Added: 2015-12-08, Hits: 832
  • Comfort Reader - speed reading - Comfort Reader makes reading e-books easier for you. It streams any text directly to your eyes. Smart text processing and colored letter animation help you to recognize and understand text faster and better. Reading an ebook will seem just like watching a film - at the speed that works best for you. Main features: - supported file formats: txt and pdf - displays just the current phrase you are ab... Added: 2017-04-19, Hits: 598
  • Cool Reader - eBook reader. Supports epub (non-DRM), fb2, doc, txt, rtf, html, chm, tcr, pdb, prc, mobi (non-DRM), pml formats. Pages or scroll view. Page flipping animation. Table of contents, bookmarks, text search. Bookmarks on text fragments (comments or corrections) - useful for proof reading. Export of bookmarks to text file. Built-in file browser, quick recent books access. Online catalogs (OPDS) sup... Added: 2011-08-19, Hits: 1851
  • CPAN Sidekick - Ask a Perl developer what her favorite feature of the language is and chances are good that the answer is CPAN. CPAN Sidekick brings all the great information and documentation of the Comprehensive Perl Archive Network to your Android phone. 100% of the earnings from this application will be donated to The Perl Foundation. As of March 2013, a total of 2.35 has been collected. CPAN Sidekick is... Added: 2012-12-07, Hits: 1517
  • CrimeTalk Reader - This application is an open beta, bugs are probable and should be reported via Github or through the email address posted below <br/> CrimeTalk is a unique educational publishing venture concerned with crime, criminal justice, social deviance, morality, immorality and anti-social behavior. Launched in January 2011, CrimeTalk aims to provide a service for university stu... Added: 2015-01-20, Hits: 1271
  • DailybRead - DailybRead is an app that uses the open source OpenLibrary API to find random books for you to read and download. The app features include: - Find and read random books using the 'Today's bRead' section (quite fun and surprising what you will find!) - View the book's info and what word was used to find the book - Save books you like to your SD card for viewing later or reading in a different app... Added: 2015-03-27, Hits: 1188
  • Diccionario castellano - "Diccionario castellano" es una peque?a utilidad para consultar la versi?n digital del diccionario castellano de la RAE de forma f?cil y r?pida. No redistribuye ninguna definici?n de la RAE. Caracter?sticas - Importante: requiere conexi?n a Internet - Barra de b?squeda presente en todo momento - Sin publicidad de ning?n tipo - No recopila datos de uso - Posibilidad de consultar t?rminos... Added: 2016-02-27, Hits: 696
  • DroidSat - DroidSat is a real-time satellite tracker. Point your handset at the sky and see which satellites are there. Droidsat is for advanced users who want to use their own TLEs or work offline. Novice users may prefer Space junk or Satellite AR which are more user friendly. Key features of DroidSat: - after satellite files have been downloaded, no network connection is required. - ability to load yo... Added: 2010-05-10, Hits: 1629
  • EH17 schedule - With this app you can view the schedule of the Easterhegg 2017, set up reminder alarms and much more. Added: 2017-04-24, Hits: 501
  • ePUBator - WARNING FOR KITKAT USERS: KitKat adds some limitations of access to the external sdcard (called extSdCard on some devices) so ePUBator can't write on it. Move the pdf file in a folder in the internal memory (called sdcard) and try again. Version 0.12 should fix this problem. Minimal offline PDF to ePUB converter for Android - ?2011 Ezio Querini ePUBator extract text from a PDF file and put it i... Added: 2013-05-10, Hits: 1573
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